The Castle of Nogarole, whose first historical citation in 1232, originated probably in the early 13th century, by the Nogarola family.

Hotel Corte della Rocca Bassa is an ancient building, which originally made part the Castle "La Rocca".
The Hotel is actually located into the ancient Bastìa: a fortress building for defence.

First valuable historical evidence dates back to 1232: a past demonstration of noble families such as the Nogarola family.
In addition, the Bastìa was the site of numerous war clashes and abode of illustrious characters such as Milan Matteo Visconti and the Bevilacqua-Lazise family, whose building still carries the coat of arms.


The ancient Bastìa of the Castle of Nogarole Rocca.

Corte della Rocca Bassa was a complex of mostly rural buildings.

It includes a series of 16th and 18th century buildings, buided near the "Rocca" and known as the ancient Bastìa del Castello di Nogarole.

Near the Nogarole Castle there were, in fact, two Bastìa: the new Bastia refers to the place used as an agricultural area located to the North-West of the Castle, in the current position of the complex, protected by a moat.

Close to the entrance bridge (still existing and completely restored) you can still see the foundations of the embattled tower Grezana: this was the road that once leaded from Verona to Mantua territory.

The Castle's Courtyard function

  • L'apparato difensivo della Rocca di Nogarole, era costituito, oltre che dalla cinta muraria, da due linee di fossati: il primo addossato alle mura di cinta, il secondo più esterno posto a difesa delle cosiddette Bastite. Le Bastite, o Bastie, erano in genere costruzioni appoggiate e non lontane dai castelli e utilizzate dalla popolazione come riparo in caso di guerre o aggressione da parte dei nemici. [...] gli accessi alle porte che conducono all'interno della Rocca sono tre e sono collocati sui lati est, nord ed ovest.
    Il primo, quello situato sulle mura occidentali, è preceduto da una salita che, tramite un antico ponte medioevale ad una arcata, unisce il castello alla "Corte Bassa" cioè a quel complesso di fabbricati ad uso agricolo che un tempo costituivano l'antica Bastia esterna; questo accesso presenta ancora evidenti i segni del restauro avvenuto alla fine del 1500 (infatti di quell'epoca sono i possenti pilastri, l'arcata con bugnature ed il grande stemma della famiglia Bevilacqua-Lazise).


From the past till nowadays...

By the end of 13th century the Fortress remained for thirty years owned by the Scaligera Family Lords and then passed into private hands and remained there, until the Venetian domination of the 14th century. In fact, the Castle of Nogarole Rocca, which had a strategic importance for the preservation of the surrounding territories, was given to the Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia.

In the middle of the 16th century the Castle was owned by Conti Bevilacqua Lazise Family and then was purchased by the Barbieri Family at the end of the 18th century.

From that moment on, the Castle was gradually declining: the weather caused the progressive degradation of the entire complex belonging to the Castle. Finally a renovation project took place in order to revive the beauty of these forgotten historic buildings.

The renovation was carried out respectful of the original structure: the project took care of the artistic heritage and landscape, creating a perfect harmony between the ancient, the modern technologies and the comfort.
Today, some of the buildings formerly found in the Bastìa are still recognizable and, although partially modified, they represent a precious example of Medieval architecture.


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